Code: 000882
Moisture Balance - analyser
- Suitable for various samples.
- Readout: 0.001 g
- Measuring range Max: 60 g.
- Reproducibility: 0.02 %
- Linearity: ± 0,003 g
- Halogen quartz glass heater 400 W
- Back lit LCD display with digit height 15 mm
- [1] Drying program
[2] Previous drying time
[3] Current temperature
[4] Unit for displaying the results
[5] Current moisture content in %
[6] Drying mode/Status display drying - Observation window over the sample, useful during initial adjustment
- Internal memory for automatic sequence of 10 drying programs and 100 drying processes carried out
- The last value measured remains on the display unt it is replaced by a new measurement
- Sample description for up to 99 samples, 2 digits, freely programmable, and is printed in the measuring protocol
- Date/time
- 10 sample plates included
- Application table. Various examples in the user manual
1594.49 €
VAT included
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