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Code: 000244

Λυσίμετρο, δειγματολήπτες εδαφικού διαλύματος, μήκους 30 cm

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Soil Solution Access Tubes are typically used to extract soil water samples from varying depths in the root

zone of crops. When used in conjunction with tissue analysis for calibration, management practices can be

developed which allow the grower to adjust the rate and timing of fertilizer applications. The user benefits from

increased production and higher quality, while minimizing fertilizer expense and mitigating the leaching of nutrients.

SSATs are frequently used for measuring nitrate levels, salinity, EC or other chemical elements commonly

associated with soil water management in irrigation (fertigation) regimens. They allow the user to take full

advantage of residual and mineralized nitrogen by delaying or minimizing fertilizer applications. Monitoring below

the root zone can verify the presence or absence of nitrate leaching. Tubes longer than the necessary

sampling depth are routinely used to allow for sufficient vacuum capacity and/or larger sample size. For example, using an

18 in. SSAT for sampling at a 6 in. depth allows the tube to remain under a sufficient vacuum for a longer period of time. We

recommend using the #1002- SSAT Hand Vacuum Pump on tubes longer than 12 in. (30 cm) to apply proper vacuum. SSAT

tubes longer than 3 ft. (90 cm) benefit from offers multiple methods of extracting soil water samples.
 The extracted
soil water samples are commonly tested with electronic meters or portable test kits.
 This useful in-field sampling technique is quick and easy to perform, which makes it well suited to the frequent fertigation

schedules common with certain growing conditions.

60.24 €
VAT included

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