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Κωδικός: 100110

Πεχάμετρο καταγραφικό εργαστηριακό. Υψηλή ποιότητα κατασκευής

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pH Measurement

Measurement range -2.000…+19.999pH

Resolution 0.01 or 0.001pH selectable from menu

Accuracy }0.001pH }1digit

Input impedance >1012Ω

Calibration error @25°C |Offset| > 20mV

Slope < 50mV/pH or Slope > 63mV/pH

Sensitivity < 85% or Sensitivity > 106.5%

Automatic / manual -50…+150°C

temperature compensation

mV Measurement

Measurement range -1999.9…+1999.9mV

Resolution 0.1mV

Accuracy }0.1mV }1digit

Drift after 1 year 0.5mV/year

Automatically detected pH standard solutions (@25°C)

1.679pH - 2.000pH - 4.000pH - 4.008pH

4.010pH - 6.860pH - 6.865pH - 7.000pH

7.413pH - 7.648pH - 9.180pH - 9.210pH


Temperature Measurement

Pt100 measurement range -200…+650°C

Pt1000 measurement range -200…+650°C

Resolution 0.1°C

Accuracy }0.1°C }1digit

Drift after 1 year 0.1°C/year
easures pH, redox potential (ORP) in mV. It measures temperature with

Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration or contact probes. The pH electrode calibration can

be carried out on one, two or three points and the calibration sequence can be chosen from

a list of 13 buffers. The display shows continually the temperature in °C or °F and one of the

parameters according to the connected probe type. Printing and storage always include the

temperature in °C or °F and one selectable parameter for each probe type.

Other functions include: Max, Min and Avg function, the Auto-HOLD function, the automatic

turning off which can also be excluded.

The instruments have IP66 protection degree

432,26 €
Συμπεριλαμβάνεται ο ΦΠΑ

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